The closing date for applications from Scottish-based inspirational projects and individuals is twice a year – end of February and August Applications are accepted at any time but they will only be considered at those times. The Trust will not approve applications at any other time although applications can be submitted at any time. Please note that due to Trustee commitments these months/dates may change.
To apply, complete the Application Form. This can be downloaded as a PDF or word document and returned to the Trust by email.
To ensure that an application is fully considered, the applicant must be an inspirational project or individual applying from a Scottish address, primarily in the areas of sport, the arts, education and culture in Scotland; it must fit within a Qualifying Category (see "What we fund" for details); If not, it will be rejected without further consideration. Meeting the criteria does not guarantee funding as awards are made at the discretion of Trustees and their decision is final. All information is held and stored in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
A successful applicant can reapply for another grant no less than 12 months after the initial grant application is made. However, you can apply for further funding within that period if it is not to be used for the same purpose as the original application.
It is a requirement of accepting a grant that recipients provide a brief report, within an agreed time-frame, that shows the monies have been spent on the purpose set out in the application form.
If unsuccessful, the Trust will accept a further application one calendar year later (unless advised otherwise by the Trust) - but only if it meets all the requirements listed in paragraphs 3 and 4. If the original application was rejected because it did not meet those requirements, it will not be considered again.
For current deadlines, please check the application deadline dates (above right).A summary of the application process is:
The Trust’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.
The application closing dates are:
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